Posts Tagged ‘ god ’

Angels walk among you.

English: Cloak of Conscience from the front

English: Cloak of Conscience from the front (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


Angels, people, they walk the streets among you
and you don’t even know
That beggar on the street you gave a dollar to
made you feel so good, so right
you did your good deed
he cleared your conscience
and you walk away

you never see his face again
was he even really there?
do you remember his face?
did you even ask him his name?
did he thank you for letting him save your soul?


most likely so, most likely so

Listen to the SoundCloud here:  <click lick>



On Someday, ye shall surely Die.

View over part of the Thy Nationalpark (Denmar...

View over part of the Thy Nationalpark (Denmark) at Hanstholm vildtreservat and Tved klitplantage. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

i will touch you
with these Words
like the mark of some beast
on Thy Forehead
and ye will surely Die!

well you were gonna die anyways
unless of course
yer into one of them Space Cult Religions
but trust Me

these Words
One day ye will surely Die

it was these words that do it to some

and if the Blind lead the Sheep

come to grips with this Thing
Thy Spirit came here not to tarry

and do 400 pushups a day
if you think that will save you

you will

and with these Words
ye shall surely Die

OK, so let’s move on…
in the meantime
YOU have an Indwelling Spirit

maybe it came here to do 400 pushups a day
in a Human Body


it came here to investigate
in its Negation of Abnegation
(or maybe just its Playful Spirit)

what is it exactly?
I mean the Human Experience
at the End of Every Edge of Reason


why does the Dust
that your Spirit has collected
Walk the Earth?


Image from the Book of Kells, a 1200 year old ...

Image from the Book of Kells, a 1200 year old book. Category:Illuminated manuscript images (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




your chains
have been forged in complacency and distraction

don’t believe
what comes of the Tube
packaged by your friendly “neighborhood” multinational

you’re better off reading the Bible
and thumping it soundly
than feeding off the pap of TV

but there are many Voices,
many speaking of the Times,

and it may cause you discomfort
it may challenge your beliefs

but YOU will AWAKEN from the Dream —
more a Nightmare of self-Destruction
and Realize

what beliefs You decide to hold
should mold your Future

and not some pre-packaged, vaccinated, fluoridated, validated
presupposition of Existence

YOU are organisms
and subject to the Rhythms of this Sphere, Earth
and your Instinct, Spirit knows

this is a Grand Con


Prayer Discussion

Women praying in the Western Wall tunnels. Thi...

Women praying in the Western Wall tunnels. This is a spot in the tunnel where Jewish women can be physically the closest to the holy of holies, so they face it in that direction and pray at the wall. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)




Michael Veloff

    I’ve been sleeping mostly which is a surprise during a full moon
    Brucewayne Ccy

    Michael Veloff

    Yes, my sleep pattern is very irregular, been working with doctors since 1994
    Brucewayne Ccy

    should do something about it
    Michael Veloff

    They have tried everything, Bruce

    I have tried everything
    Brucewayne Ccy

    What about prayers?
    Michael Veloff

    Prayers? to whom?
    Brucewayne Ccy

    to you, yourself

    it might help
    Michael Veloff

    I have tried everything, if prayer worked, i wouldn’t be going to doctors
    Brucewayne Ccy


    try to pray more

    the only thing i can advise
    Michael Veloff

    thanks, Bruce
    Brucewayne Ccy

    My pleasure to advise^^
    Brucewayne Ccy

    Brucewayne Ccy

    still there?
    Michael Veloff

    yes, i am praying…
    Brucewayne Ccy

    Michael Veloff

    it’s not working, how long do i have to pray?

    i’ll go back to praying…
    Brucewayne Ccy

    not sure but just keepp doing that

    and you will be find
    Michael Veloff

    Bruce, you interrupted my prayer, do i have to start over now?
    Brucewayne Ccy



Heaven for tortured souls

1960's era prison warden

1960’s era prison warden (Photo credit: andreakw)

there are no locks on the Gates
of Hell nor Jailer there
the prisoners do not remember

they are Spirits still
and Free to Dream
of other Worlds

my pops did 3 bits
and would read adult westerns
from the prison library

read happily in his cell

probably nicer than the two room shed
he shelters his 5 cats and dying dog in

but he seems happy with his channel flippin’
remote control

and they took away his food stamps for not filing

back in California I met a drifter
claimed to be a writer and carried a staff
it wasn’t as nice as mine
when first I hailed him

it took me a while to gain
his Trust
he had been evicted by the police
from his spot under the bridge again
and lost all his writings

i think he may have been stretching it
telling me he had a valise full of writing
but he told me some fine stories
one afternoon

i never saw him again

and people think
or is it? don’t think?

a man like that can be happy
have dreams?  create?

tell me, Father,
what Hell have you left behind for your Children?
what Heaven have you created for the tortured Souls?

the Devil’s bills

English: The Devil's Fireplace, detail- the Devil

English: The Devil’s Fireplace, detail- the Devil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



i can’t
remember when it started

what shook me
from the Tree of Ordinary Life

yeah, i was there
Yuppie to the core
and climbing over dead men’s bones
without examining my own

without examining my own

i could have
grabbed a brass ring
cashed in
lived with the lies you have to tell
to get along


i wasn’t getting along
i wasn’t getting along at all

my body
my spirit
fought me at every step

and something snapped
perhaps I snapped

but found
i couldn’t play the reindeer games
required to pay the Devil’s bills


Hear the SoundCloud reading I did:  <click here>




Zen…… (Photo credit: Moyan_Brenn)

that something
the feeling that you have turned
a corner
a new page
a new leaf

a feeling of arrival

but it’s still the same world
same people
same problems and worries

but you
you see it through different eyes
like the blueprints of some great plan
you had no idea
was unfolding

for you

that something
when the doors all open your way
at your command
in anticipation

not because
you are in no hurry

it’s just that the Universe
now anticipates
your arrival

and that is the Zen
of what you mean
and who you’re meant to be

your True Self

Yog Sototh is comin’ to get ya!



The Eye in the Pyramid as represented by The G...

The Eye in the Pyramid as represented by The Great Seal of the United States on a dollar bill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


First, this poem is partially inspired by reading The Illuminatus! Trilogy by
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.  It is a short, metaphysical ramble
of a poem.  I hope you enjoy it!




recanted confessions

made in haste
laid to waste

morsel for Yog Sototh
foolish belief
that He had any mercy
or Love

to begin with


So much faith behind the wheel

so much faith
behind the wheel
so much doubt
about yourself

it is easy
that we believe in those things
the things we take for granted
they are second nature

but believing in yourself?
why not?

you are the only
everchanging constant in your story
and ups and downs
are part of the ride

so the next time
you get behind the wheel
remember who is driving

Lay off my quadrant, Gumbytron!

Una hembra de hamster ruso

Una hembra de hamster ruso (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


The Jehovanator had gotten pretty up tight over the millenia, having been confined to this backwater sector of a minor Galaxy.  He especially didn’t like other gods muscling in on his territory.  He had pressed the “smite” button on the followers of a few minor gods who were trying to get a foothold in his franchise on more than one occasion.


This Gumbytron was gonna be a problem though. She was insidious. She would do stuff for Beings she had no hand in creating and not expect anything in return. He looked at it as a sort of “loss leader.” You know give out some free stuff until you can get your foothold in a market, then when they’re hooked, hit them with the worship and sacrifice shtick. He had seen it before.


But, the Jehovanator had completely misread Gumbytron’s intentions.  Her mission with the Hamster planet of Snadragon had taught her a few things about sentient beings.  She had watched the fear that the human population lived in from their designated god.  That the people of the planet still found joy in their existence was a tribute to the human spirit and not a reflection of anything the Jehovanator had done for the local population.


The cycle for one small planet in the sector presented an opening for Gumbytron.  Earth had been sequestered since the end of the last ice age with a probability randomizer and was unable to send or receive signals to any of the other populated planets in the sector.  Because of this, most of the humans sincerely believed that they were alone in the cosmos and that maybe the info the Jehovanator had planted with his pyrotechnics and smiting was all there was to know about human history.   The randomizer had start losing its phase response in the year 1994 of the major Earth Calendar and people were already plotting transdimensional grids in a few of the larger Earth settlements.


The phase response fluctuations would come and go but were fairly predictable.  Gumbytron had sent Agnew to Earth in 1963 to prepare a transition point for the Hamster People so they could open trade negotiations with the aboriginal peoples of the planet.  There were of course many alien seeded species on the planet that would have to be avoided.  They usually had agendas that were contrary to hamster principles.


Gumbytron had taught the hamsters of Snadragon many things that the Jehovanator had withheld from his created beings.  She knew that once she had lifted a spirit from the vacuum of non-existence there were really only two ways to control its ultimate destiny.  Through love or through fear.  The path of love would, of course, create beings of infinite potential that would learn that their bodies were merely a tool for the expression of the great Spirit on the lowest plane of existence.   The teachings she passed on to the hamsters through her many incarnations empowered them to teach their offspring that more could be achieved with cooperation than with competition.


Not that competition was useless, but that because of the transitory nature of the physical vessel, more could be achieved by the accumulation of wisdom than by the keeping of secrets.  New insights that even Gumbytron was surprised by were constantly being revealed in the woven mythos of Snadragon.


to be continued