Posts Tagged ‘ Religion and Spirituality ’

When the Sun Comes to December

Lanzarote windmill

Lanzarote windmill (Photo credit: @Doug88888)


Spring, mine
has come Late Summer
Rays lengthening like luminous lashes
on a photoshopped Supermodel

and stars
I mean I see them everywhere
they shine even
by Day

were I a Beginner
it would almost seem wonderful
in brief flashes
between dry Heaves

recurrences begin
to replace
Occurrences and I feel like walking out
on this Movie

really I do
but Mother Universe
keeps inventing

compelling characters
you know, the kind that make you wanna stick around
and see when and how their story ends
if You don’t exit before them

and then controversies
Buddha said “withdraw”
It is Illusion, Maya

but so damn compelling
and you don’t get much press
tilting at Windmills these Days

some battles you win, some you lose
but you know, you stop keeping score after a while
and look out the Observation Deck

and begin to enjoy the Scenery,
its fleeting quality
the evanescence of new and varied Stimuli
that keep you from finally pulling that Trigger

and give you the Patience to wait for
when the Sun comes to December


is it live?

Science Project 1974

Science Project 1974 (Photo credit: The Rocketeer)




is it live?
or are we stumbling through
stonewashed memories
of where we’ve been before?

is it live?
or are we rehashing
yesterday’s unfinished business
that never comes to a conclusion?

is it live?
perhaps a better question
would be
what are we doing here?

we live by rote, routine
and anticipate only what
our lives tell us to anticipate

is it live?
is an illusory question
our experiences are colored
so completely
by where we’ve been
what we’ve worried about
what expect life to be from day to day

so I ask you,
is it live?




Zen…… (Photo credit: Moyan_Brenn)

that something
the feeling that you have turned
a corner
a new page
a new leaf

a feeling of arrival

but it’s still the same world
same people
same problems and worries

but you
you see it through different eyes
like the blueprints of some great plan
you had no idea
was unfolding

for you

that something
when the doors all open your way
at your command
in anticipation

not because
you are in no hurry

it’s just that the Universe
now anticipates
your arrival

and that is the Zen
of what you mean
and who you’re meant to be

your True Self

Yog Sototh is comin’ to get ya!



The Eye in the Pyramid as represented by The G...

The Eye in the Pyramid as represented by The Great Seal of the United States on a dollar bill (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


First, this poem is partially inspired by reading The Illuminatus! Trilogy by
Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.  It is a short, metaphysical ramble
of a poem.  I hope you enjoy it!




recanted confessions

made in haste
laid to waste

morsel for Yog Sototh
foolish belief
that He had any mercy
or Love

to begin with


So much faith behind the wheel

so much faith
behind the wheel
so much doubt
about yourself

it is easy
that we believe in those things
the things we take for granted
they are second nature

but believing in yourself?
why not?

you are the only
everchanging constant in your story
and ups and downs
are part of the ride

so the next time
you get behind the wheel
remember who is driving

Retread Angels on Mount Ararat

Safeway Medallion logo, 1980

Safeway Medallion logo, 1980 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was walking with my magic staff in the Safeway parking lot when
I spotted another man walking with a staff.  He was rather disheveled
and had a backpack.  I cried, “Ho there!” and walked toward him.

He looked me up and down and said, “Hi!  Are you a magician?”

I replied, “No, I’m a wizard.”

He muttered, “Well I’m a working man.” and walked away.

Later, I would see him walking around town with and without his staff.
It was obvious that he was another homeless soul in the wealthy hamlet
where I had sequestered myself.

One day, I saw him outside the Safeway again.  I thought I would try
and approach him again.  I didn’t have my magic staff but I took a chance
and walked up to him again with a $5 bill and said, “Here’s the $5 that I lent you.”

He said, “What is this?  A pigeon drop?”

I said, “No, just take the money, it’s yours.”

He thanked me and went into the Safeway and I took a seat on the bench
outside to roll up a cigarette.  As I was lighting the cigarette, he came outside
and sat on the bench next to me.  I introduced myself and he said his name was Curtis.

We talked for a good bit and even bought a losing scratch off ticket together.
( He insisted on giving me 50c for half the ticket.)  Apparently he had grown
up in that area of California.

As we were sitting and talking, Michael, one of the guys that worked at this
Safeway as a bagger and cart rounderupper came over to us.  Michael and I
had often spoken, he seemed just a little slow, or maybe it was just an act.

Michael and Curtis seemed to know each other pretty well.  Michael asked if
that was a bottle of wine Curtis had in his backpack.  Curtis told him it was.
Michael told him to be careful and not get caught drinking outside the Safeway
again.  He then asked Curtis if he had gone through the groceries he had given
him.  Curtis said he was still good.

I am still touched by the pathos of Michael, a low wage bagger in one of the
wealthiest areas in the Bay Area, helping out a homeless man in a city where
Safeway would block people from taking day old bread out of their dumpsters.
(I got nailed trying to retrieve some dumpster donuts on a couple of occasions.)
I never saw Curtis again but I am sure Michael is still working at that Safeway.

I’m convinced that both of them were angels.

an irregular jesus

Security camera at London (Heathrow) Airport. ...

Security camera at London (Heathrow) Airport. Taken by Adrian Pingstone in August 2004 and released to the public domain. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

an irregular Jesus

an irregular Jesus
who likes to take vacations in the asylum
walks into Ace hardware for some glass cleaner
and gets lost

he finds himself in line with a bottle of pneumonia
when the lady in front of him has her credit declined
and walks away empty handed

he yallers, “Hey! i got a GOLD tooth.”
but she disapppears

he forgets his first miracle for a moment
and the pain in his chest nearly drops him to the floor

he laughs and waves at the security camera
remembering to wander
to the corner to clean a few windows for the Man