Posts Tagged ‘ power elite ’

Should we just “kill” the Rich and Powerful?

United (States) Parcel Service.

United (States) Parcel Service. (Photo credit: matt.hintsa)


How angry am I at the government. Well talking to folks in my home town, I’d say maybe just a li’l above average. But then I am also inflamed by my passion to write about it.

Would I blow up a bus stop? Nah, I got friends use the bus but I’d blow up your inflated sense of ego that believes it knows better how people should run their lives than they do themselves.

I’d blow up your monuments to your lies with bouquets of pure horseshit, which you have been feeding the American public for way too long.

Why are you afraid of coming clean? Are you afraid that revealing how you have been systematically been exploiting the average citizen in this country make you afraid? For your money? For your status? For your lives?

Well, I can’t really blame you on that account, although I believe the average human in this country has a greater capacity to forgive than you yourselves have demonstrated by your actions.